Link to Ekaterina Lisina's Full-length Uncensored Video Goes Viral, Showing Revealing Scenes!
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For a video to be shareable or spreadable, it must focus on the social logics and cultural practices that have enabled and popularized these new platforms.
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Viral videos can turn people into Internet celebrities overnight. Can you imagine waking up tomorrow and learning that millions of people know your name? For some, that’s a dream come true. Others like to keep their lives a little more private.
However, privacy and viral videos don’t really go together. Usually, viral videos have at least 5 million views. And they’re not just a big deal online!
When a video goes viral, people talk about it. They describe it to their friends and families. They laugh about it at the lunch table. Viral videos don’t just spread through shares—word of mouth still goes a long way.
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Today, there are more videos online than ever. People can easily take videos using just their smartphones and upload them to sites like YouTube. Over five billion videos are watched online each day.
Which of those videos will go viral? You can never know for sure. However, a few characteristics do make videos more likely to go viral.
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Most viral videos are short. 19 percent of people close a video after the first ten seconds. That means a video that’s funny or interesting at the beginning is more likely to go viral.